Mentor & Protégé

2005-2006 Season Stars
International Division
Mentor & Protégé
Reviews Page
Contact Me
CFA has a wonderful group who have put together a program designed to assist new breeders and exhibitors to link up with experienced CFA breeders and exhibitors.
They have developed a system that lists the new person requesting a Mentor, experienced with the CFA Breed of their choice. Then it is up to the prospective Mentor to contact the Protégé. They can exchange ideas, hopes & dreams to see if they are compatible. The ideal situation is when they live close enough to have a personal hands on exchange of information.
But what I want to suggest is that the Manx Breeders take a look at the Mentoring program & take one or two of your Manx buyers each year to Mentor.
Take the ideas  from the CFA program and customize them to your life style.
Getting together to share ideas & experiences about our Manx is good for both
Mentor & Protégé

To contact the CFA Mentor Program, please send an email to

 For example I will tell about the couple that bought a pair of Manx kittens this summer.  We had emailed back & forth with our questions, getting to know each other. Then when the emails didn't seem to be clear enough we would elucidate over the phone. 
But the most information, that was a help for both of us, was the CFA Mentoring site that seems to address every aspect of what Mentoring should be.
The couple both work and I was concerned whither they would spend enough time with the kittens.  But I learned that they worked a modified week of three days on two days off and their schedules were planned to offset each other.  So that assured me that the kittens would have quality time with both of them. I explained the agreement that spells out the expectations of both the Seller & Buyer and they wanted to make some adjustments, which were fine ideas I would continue to use. They wanted the kittens to be altered [as did I] and wanted to know if they were altered could they still be shown? We talked about the advantages to the whole family with altering the kittens and assured them that there was a Premier class for the altered adult Manx. They were not originally looking for two kittens...but when they traveled down to our home to see the kittens and the rest of the crew....they fell in love with two littermates.  I often suggest that two kittens go together....Manx have such a affection for one another, especially littermates. One of the kittens was a kitten that I had planned to show and I proceeded to explain how much fun we had at the shows, meeting new people and making friends. How we had an extended family of other feline fanciers that would help & support in many ways. I didn't have to convince them because they had been to see us show our Manx several times & had a great time helping,

So when it came time for the kittens to leave their mom and go to their new home, we agreed that we would meet at a local show for them.  We talked about grooming & nutrition & the accoutrements of showing and they were getting excited.  They got the travel crate big enough to hold a small litter tray & snuggle bed. And a small equipment case for their grooming & clean up supplies. They were practicing bathing on their household pet who had never been so clean.  They had gone shopping for the new litter box, food & water bowls, soft toys and noisy toys. They were ready.


We agreed to meet at their home the night before the show & get settled in.  They were so excited but we all got to sleep early. 

They had helped enough at other shows to know the routine and fell right to work getting their benching ready for the day.  Getting used to listening for those numbers among all the talking & laughing was hard.  But we kept the second calls to the ring to a minimum.  They were so thrilled when their kitten was called to a final.  And stood thanking the judge with tears running down their cheeks.  I know they are hooked.

Here is their last email:
Hi Mema,
 > Sorry I haven't written in ages.  There isn't a day that goes by that I  don't think of can't be helped since I'm so very, very happy with my kitties!
> Their personalities continue to evolve.  Fred, who continues to grow  quite stocky, can NOT get enough loving.  He follows me around, head  up, begging to be picked up and held.  And the kneading he does!  Every  night I'm awakened by his loud purring and his little paws going after  my head, my chest, my face.
> Mo is "the instigator" and full of the devil.  He plays well with  both Omi and Fred and the three of them are inseparable.  They LOVE  their run [MMQ note: they built a wonderful totally enclosed run outside their patio door] and Mo has taught them all to bring large dead leaves & worms into the house.  At first I couldn't figure out where they were all  coming I know.  I pick them up, they bring in more.  It's  what we all do.  Gifts !  I love my kitty never know what it might be. 
> Omi is still my love.  She is so round and soft and girlish.  She looks  for me to sit down and is the perfect lap kitty.  She's the best  snuggler as she doesn't knead me to death...just snuggles and purrs and  purrs.  She has the cutest little meow and lets me know when she's  feeling neglected and then I pick her up and love her to pieces.  Her  favorite spot is her tummy.  She loves to get on her back and have me  massage her--that's when her paws start to go and her eyes get glassy. 
> Yes indeed...I'm so very happy with my kitties!
> I know you sent me the address for the show schedule, but wanted to ask what show you are going to next in our area, so we can get together again.
> I haven't sent my registration fees in for Fred yet but will soon. 
> I'm having foot surgery on the 22nd, so I should have lots of time to  do the things I've put off for way too long.
Love ya
So you see nothing more than what you already do with your Manx extended family when they have one of your "Kits". 
But we would like to hear about it.
I want to showcase one set of Mentors & Protégé in each edition of MANX TALES.  I will interview both members to get their evaluation of this program.

If you would like to join the CFA Mentoring Yahoo mail list:

Group Email Addresses


This e-mail group is provided for those actively participating in The CFA Mentor Program which operates through the Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. The intent is to provide a "safe forum" for asking questions about CFA, exhibiting and breeding cats in CFA, the CFA Mentoring Program and anything else related to the CFA Cat Fancy.

Feedback, submissions, ideas? Email

Comments & Suggestions

The American Manx Club is affiliated with CFA.

Please note that the links & contributions  offered on this page do NOT represent an endorsement nor agreement with any of the philosophies espoused on some of these sites and/or their links, but instead reflects our  objective of furthering the advancement of all Animal Welfare and wish to help provide links to information and programs for the benefit of the cats.

Edited by Margaret [mema] Messer-Quick.