Midwest REGION 6

[I really like this grid]

Feb 17 Crossroads CC Joplin, MO D Ray Edwards Flyer-OE Count
17-18 Lincoln State - HHP Oak Lawn, IL Stan Grzonka Flyer-OE Count
Mar 3-4 Midwest TGIF - JS/HHP Indianapolis, IN Sharon McKenzie Flyer-OE
10-11 MO-KAN Kansas City, MO D Ray Edwards Flyer-OE
17-18 Cat'n On The Fox Schaumberg, IL Monte Phillips Flyer-OE
24-25 Illini Cat Club Savoy, IL D Ray Edwards Flyer-OE
30-1 Lakes Country CF Springfield, MO Gail Rothman Flyer-OE
Apr 7 North Shore Grayslake, IL Debby Ballot Flyer-OE
14-15 Titletown CF Green Bay, WI Anne Edwards Planned
21-22 Greater St. Louis St. Louis, MO Jeri Glover Licensed
28-29 Tornado Alley CC- HHP Kansas City, MO Sharon McKenzie Flyer-OE


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The American Manx Club is affiliated with CFA.

Please note that the links & contributions offered on this page do NOT represent an endorsement nor agreement with any of the philosophies espoused on some of these sites and/or their links, but instead reflects our objective of furthering the advancement of all Animal Welfare and wish to help provide links to information and programs for the benefit of the cats.

Edited by Margaret Messer-Quick.