
Here's a chance for you to contribute.

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What we love about the web is the opportunity to share our thoughts and passions with others. But we also like to hear what others think and to exchange ideas.

On this page, we will share some of the comments we've received via e-mail. In some cases, we might also respond to the comments. Please get in touch!

  • How many Manx Breeders have had LH kittens arrive in a SH to SH breeding?
  • How many Manx Breeders can explain the numbering system that designates the SH Manx carrying the LH gene ?
  • How many Manx Breeders can explain the numbering system that designates the LH Manx.
  • How any Manx Breeders research the genetic history of their Manx....what resources do you use to do that?
  • How many Manx Breeders work with a Pedigree Program?
  • How many Manx Breeders will share their Pedigree database?



Home | Favorite Stories | WHEN I AM OLD | MOTHER OF THE YEAR | FIRST Runner Up for Mother of The Year | SECOND RUNNER UP FOR MOTHER OF THE YEAR | FIRST NATIONAL CFA COMPETITION | Analysis of the 2006 International | ASK MANXIE: | HOW TO SELECT A THERAPY CAT | SMOKE / SILVER IN MANX | (1) PED FOR SMOKE / SILVER | (2) PED FOR SMOKE / SILVER | "Solid Colors and Dilutes", | Mailbag | 2007 Calendar & Holidays | TIME SENSITIVE DATES | LINKS | HEADLINES | Contact Me | NORTHATLANTIC REGION 1 | NORTHWESTERN REGION 2 | Gulf Shore Region 3 | GREATLAKES REGION 4 | SOUTHWEST REGION 5 | Midwest REGION 6 | Southern Region 7

Please get in touch to offer comments.

You can e-mail us at:

The American Manx Club is affiliated with CFA.

Please note that the links & contributions offered on this page do NOT represent an endorsement nor agreement with any of the philosophies espoused on some of these sites and/or their links, but instead reflects our objective of furthering the advancement of all Animal Welfare and wish to help provide links to information and programs for the benefit of the cats.

Edited by Margaret Messer-Quick.